Monday 29 June 2009


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Saturday 27 June 2009


When you fly across the sky, try and admire the beautiful scene that the clouds present to you and know how mighty God's creative hand and mind could be. He is God and not man.

FLYING WITH PLEASURE: Babatunde Ezekiel Ajibola

My interest in aviation went back to my early years when I used to see aeroplane flying across the sky. I used to wonder what made that fit possible. Though by the time the opportunity for me to view it come my way then, it was always thousands of feet up there in the sky and it appeared so tiny. I never actually know how big they were until I visited an airport. I remember my dad sharing his own experience with me how one sunday as they worshipped in the church in which he was in the choir in Kano city, Nigeria, for the first time an aeroplane landed in that city for the first time and the grace hardly been said to end the service he joined others in a marathon to reach the aerodrome to see the mysterious device that could fly in the sky like a bird. That was in 1925 which was twenty three years after the Wright brothers made the first test flight. Few years later he was also privileged to witness the landing of an aeroplane landing in Lagos for the first time. He was also in the church robed in the choir and in the same manner joined others in a marathon to reach the aerodrome in Apapa Lagos to see this mysterious machine that fly in the sky. No wonder he believed flying in the sky is tempting God.
I did not agree with him then but I dare not say so.
Today I have had the opportunity to fly several times and I THINK I ENJOY FLYING.
Though you can not but think about other possibilities when you are airborne but I think it is always best to relax and trust in God for journey mercy. I always benefit from this. Come fly with me in this manner.