Friday 23 October 2009

AVIATION WATCH by Babatunde Ajibola

You never can guess what is going on in the cockpit between the pilots while you are airborne at 37000 feet flying above the clouds. Though it is always delightful when the captain introduces himself and on behalf of the crew members welcome you on board and assure you of safety asking you to enjoy your flight. Normally, passengers would accept this assurance by faith and without doubt having the believe that all was going to be well. Yes it has always been well except on few occasions when things suddenly go wrong and the news is all over the place that an air disaster had taken place. Despite this, people still rush to the airport to board the plane for their destination believing it will not happen to them.

Funny enough, many who survived air disasters still fly. I believe it is because we do not have other means that could be faster and quicker. Thank God for answered prayers. When I am flying I simply commit my journey into God's hand and pray for safety in the air across the globe. I know if not for the blood of Jesus, the world would be experiencing much disaster every day.This is the wish of the evil one but thank God fo journey mercies.

Today 23rd of October 2009, It is reported of two pilots who because of heated discussion between them missed their destination by 150 miles causing hyjack fears.

The Northwestern airline pilots were flying with 144 passengers on board from San Diego to Minneapolis at 37000 feet when they lost contact only to realise the fact that they have missed their destination by 150 miles.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military had been alerted and jet fighters on stand-by in case it was an hijack incident. Realising their mistake the pilots turned back after securing permision to do so and eventually landed safely. Though the pilots have been suspended pending the conlusion of investigation into the matter, it is believed that the pilots have not actually told the truth.

What ever the case may be, it should be regarded as a grivious offence in aviation for pilots to occupy themselves with some other schedule apart from flying the plane. Some weeks back a pilot was reported to have left the cockpit and engaged in a fight with one of his passengers.

We should take flying a serious business because of the risk involve. We should be conscious of the fact that there are no parking spaces in the air, no servicing stations. Once something goes wrong, it could spelt disaster if the situation goes out of control. Pilots should realise the fact that their passengers hold them in high esteems trusting in their ability and self-discipline to fly them safely to their destinations. May God continue to grant us journey mercies.