Thursday 10 December 2009

COMMERCIAL SPACECRAFT by Rev. Babatunde Ajibola

Soon we might all be making constant trips to space and I hope when this become possible, we should see the mysteries of the universe that such trips will reveal as the wonderful works of God's hand. We should not allow our thoghts to be ruled by athiest scepticism as to the existence of God.

The first commercial spaceship unveiled by Sir, Richard Branson of the Virgin Space Ship Enterprise is the second privately manned craft to reach space. It is commendable and the voyage has won the confidence of many would be clients who have paid the sum of $200,000 for ticket or deposit for a seat.

Sir Branson and his family including his 92year old father are to be on the first trip. Other passengers include physicist Stephen Hawkins and the enviromental Scientist James Lovelock.
The take off point is Majave Desert in California where the vessel was developed. For now I will be contented with flying at the 32,000 feet above the sea level on Virgin Atlantic airline.