Thursday 10 December 2009

COMMERCIAL SPACECRAFT by Rev. Babatunde Ajibola

Soon we might all be making constant trips to space and I hope when this become possible, we should see the mysteries of the universe that such trips will reveal as the wonderful works of God's hand. We should not allow our thoghts to be ruled by athiest scepticism as to the existence of God.

The first commercial spaceship unveiled by Sir, Richard Branson of the Virgin Space Ship Enterprise is the second privately manned craft to reach space. It is commendable and the voyage has won the confidence of many would be clients who have paid the sum of $200,000 for ticket or deposit for a seat.

Sir Branson and his family including his 92year old father are to be on the first trip. Other passengers include physicist Stephen Hawkins and the enviromental Scientist James Lovelock.
The take off point is Majave Desert in California where the vessel was developed. For now I will be contented with flying at the 32,000 feet above the sea level on Virgin Atlantic airline.

Friday 23 October 2009

AVIATION WATCH by Babatunde Ajibola

You never can guess what is going on in the cockpit between the pilots while you are airborne at 37000 feet flying above the clouds. Though it is always delightful when the captain introduces himself and on behalf of the crew members welcome you on board and assure you of safety asking you to enjoy your flight. Normally, passengers would accept this assurance by faith and without doubt having the believe that all was going to be well. Yes it has always been well except on few occasions when things suddenly go wrong and the news is all over the place that an air disaster had taken place. Despite this, people still rush to the airport to board the plane for their destination believing it will not happen to them.

Funny enough, many who survived air disasters still fly. I believe it is because we do not have other means that could be faster and quicker. Thank God for answered prayers. When I am flying I simply commit my journey into God's hand and pray for safety in the air across the globe. I know if not for the blood of Jesus, the world would be experiencing much disaster every day.This is the wish of the evil one but thank God fo journey mercies.

Today 23rd of October 2009, It is reported of two pilots who because of heated discussion between them missed their destination by 150 miles causing hyjack fears.

The Northwestern airline pilots were flying with 144 passengers on board from San Diego to Minneapolis at 37000 feet when they lost contact only to realise the fact that they have missed their destination by 150 miles.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military had been alerted and jet fighters on stand-by in case it was an hijack incident. Realising their mistake the pilots turned back after securing permision to do so and eventually landed safely. Though the pilots have been suspended pending the conlusion of investigation into the matter, it is believed that the pilots have not actually told the truth.

What ever the case may be, it should be regarded as a grivious offence in aviation for pilots to occupy themselves with some other schedule apart from flying the plane. Some weeks back a pilot was reported to have left the cockpit and engaged in a fight with one of his passengers.

We should take flying a serious business because of the risk involve. We should be conscious of the fact that there are no parking spaces in the air, no servicing stations. Once something goes wrong, it could spelt disaster if the situation goes out of control. Pilots should realise the fact that their passengers hold them in high esteems trusting in their ability and self-discipline to fly them safely to their destinations. May God continue to grant us journey mercies.

Friday 11 September 2009


If I may ask, how often do you fly and what are your observations in the the passengers and crew members relationship? If you will agree with me, it could be compared to that of the patients,nurse and doctors relationship. When the doctors and the nurses smile and speak words of encouragement to the patient with smile and cheerfulness on their face, the patient tend to become more comfortable and hopeful even in critical situations in which the patient is seriously in pain, a good smile and word of encouragement could make the hospital room homely.
In like manner while a passenger is airborne, the countenance of the Cabin Crew and the tone in which announcement is made could send comfortable signals or embarrassing signals to passengers. At the beginning of a flight at take off, the safety measures when being announced remind all on board of the possibilities of a disaster but we all want to with optimism assume that they are mere formalities and that hopefully everything would go on fine. Such is the way the human mind operate in situations where necesities confine us to abide with conditions that are characterised by both positive and negative possibilities.
Flying is an unavoidable necessities as despite the announcement of an air disaster, people still rush to book for a place on the next available flight.
In as long as people do not wish to get involve in air disasters,the courage to take the risk is often motivated by the fact that there is no alternative.
In the book of Daniel chapter twelve, it is written by prophecy that in the time of the end knowledge shall be increased and people shall go to and fro. We without doubt in that era and man by neccesities will have to make do with the risk that accompany the products of the increase in the knowledge of science and technology.
An american professor who would not fly once argued against flying that if God had wish that we fly, He would have given us wings. With occasional air disasters occuring, we are still being assured that travelling by air is the safest and I might want to agree with this claim but then flying could sometimes be seen as one of the risk taken ventures that mankind ever embarked upon. If we have to move at the fast lane of life as the economic social factors demand, we can not avoid flying. No wonder at every safe landing as the plane touches the ground, passengers clap there hands in approval of the unified relief that accompany safe landing.
I always ask for whom is the applause? Could it be for the pilot and his crew for a good job done in flying the plane without disaster or just a reflex action motivated by the joy of safe landing? I would say the two combined is the answer. I am one of the introverts who would not express their joy and satisfaction by clapping but all the same I feel satisfy and appreciative of the good job done by the pilot and his crew but I always give the greater glory to God for granting us journey mercies.

Monday 6 July 2009


Passenger fixes faulty airliner

The airliner landed at Glasgow only 35 minutes late
Holidaymakers escaped a long delay to their flight home when a passenger fixed a mechanical problem with their plane.

Passengers on Thomas Cook flight TXC9641 from Menorca were told to expect an eight-hour wait while an engineer was flown out from the UK.

One passenger then identified himself as a qualified aircraft engineer and offered to try to remedy the fault.

He was successful, and the plane landed in Glasgow only 35 minutes late.

A spokeswoman for Thomas Cook said the company followed strict procedures to ensure the man was qualified to work on the aircraft, a Boeing 757-200, during the incident on Saturday.

The passenger worked for another airline, Thomsonfly, which has a reciprocal maintenance agreement with Thomas Cook.

"When they announced there was a technical problem he came forward and said who he was, " she said.

"We checked his licence and verified he was who he said he was, and he was able to fix the problem to avoid the delay.

"We are very grateful that he was on the flight that day."

Wednesday 1 July 2009

LETS PLAY SAFE: by B.E. Ajibola

I have always believe that salvation belong to God and His blessing is upon His people. However there are certain things in creation which we can not explain. The reason why a fourten year old girl was the only surviving passenger in the Yemen plane crash on the 23rd of June may remain a mystery for life. However, I always believe that the technology that brought about the building of an aeroplane has come a long way that if planes are constantly and effectively managed, there should not be much of air disaster as we witness in the aviation industry. There is the technical factor and there is also the human factor. Planes need be thoroughly servised and checked before take off and pilots must be well behaved staying away from alcohol and drugs. It is reported that the Yemenian air plane, airbus 330 that crashed into the Indian ocean had been banned in France by the Transport ministry because of irregularities. Such lapses if encouraged in the aviation industry may lead in increase in hazards occurrences. There must be a way whereby planes that have flown for a certain numbers of years and flights are regulated from carrying passengers. They can be converted into cargo planes.


Reports of a lone child having survived Tuesday's crash of a Yemenia Airways flight in the Indian Ocean have people wondering: How does anyone survive a plane crash?

Part of a United Airlines DC-10 lies next to the runway in Sioux City, Iowa, after the plane crashed in July 1989.

"I just don't think there's any pattern to survivability. It's just luck of the draw and depends on how the plane goes in," said aviation expert John Eakin, head of Air Data Research in Helotes, Texas.

Not counting Tuesday's disaster, there have been 12 airliner crashes since 1970 that yielded a sole survivor, according to data compiled by Dr. Todd Curtis, director of the Foundation. Five of those survivors were minors and four were crew members, accounting for 75 percent of the total.

"I can't figure out for the life of me why crew members and children tend to be disproportionate in these sole-survivor events," Curtis said. Watch what happened to the Yemenia flight »

One factor favoring flight crew members is their location in the sturdy cockpit and proximity to windows, he said. Flight attendants often use shoulder harnesses when they are seated, aviation writer David Noland added.

Where one is seated is a factor only in that it helps to be far from the point of impact, Eakin said.

Sole-survivor crashes
January 26, 1972, Czechoslovakia: JAT DC-9; 27 killed; crew member fell to ground inside tail section

January 29, 1985; Reno, Nevada: Galaxy Airlines Lockheed Electra; 70 killed; boy, 17, thrown from wreckage

January 3, 1987, Ivory Coast: Varig 707-300; 50 killed; one passenger survived

August 16, 1987, Detroit, Michigan: Northwest MD-82; 154 killed; 4-year-old girl found in wreckage

November 14, 1992, Vietnam: Vietnam Airlines Yak 40; 30 killed; surviving passenger found eight days later

November 20, 1993, Macedonia: Avioimpex Yak 42D; 223 killed; one passenger survived

March 1995, Colombia: Intercontinental Colombia DC-9-10; 51 killed; 9-year-old girl survived

September 1997, Cambodia: Vietnam Airlines Tu-134B; 65 killed; 1-year-old boy survived

December 16, 1997, United Arab Emirates: Tajikistan Airlines Tupolev 154B; 85 killed; crew member survived

March 6, 2003, Algeria: Air Algerie 737-200; 102 killed; crew member survived

July 8, 2003, Sudan: Sudan Airways 737-200C; 116 killed; 3-year-old boy survived

August 27, 2006, Lexington, Kentucky: Comair CRJ-100; 49 killed; co-pilot survived

"I don't think there's any particular type of aircraft or position in an aircraft which is more survivable, because it pretty much depends on what type of accident -- it depends on how the aircraft impacts," Eakin said. "Sometimes, the survivors are all located in the tail, sometimes in the forward fuselage. I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to it."

A 2007 Popular Mechanics magazine article, researched and written by Noland, presented a different view.

Noland analyzed 20 U.S. airline crashes in which at least one person lived and one person died. The statistics indicate that seats farther back in a plane are safer in crashes, the article said.

"Passengers near the tail of a plane are about 40 percent more likely to survive a crash than those in the first few rows up front," Noland wrote.

Passengers in seats behind the wings had a 69 percent survival rate in crashes that included at least one fatality, Noland wrote. Those with seats in coach areas over and forward of the wings survived 56 percent of the time, and passengers in first class and business class had a 49 percent survival rate, he found.

"To me, it's fairly obvious: You hit something going fast and obviously, the front is going to get crunched more than the back," Noland told CNN. "To quote one [National Transportation Safety Board] guy, 'Planes don't back into mountains.'"

Even in other types of crashes -- runway overruns, forced landings, etc. -- the plane is always going forward, so the front takes the impact, Noland said.

"That's why they put the crash recorders in the tail," he said.

Wide-bodied aircraft -- such as the Boeing 747 and 777 and the Airbus A310 and A330 -- tend to yield more survivors than smaller ones, Curtis said. He chalked up that trend to what he called the SUV theory: Larger crush zones provide more and larger areas of survivability.

Both Curtis and Eakin pointed to the July 1989 crash of United Airlines Flight 232 in Sioux City, Iowa. Spectacular video footage showed the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 cartwheeling down an airport runway as pilot Al Haynes and first officer William Records tried to land the airliner without hydraulic controls. Of the 296 people aboard the plane, 111 were killed but 185 survived.

"Anyone looking at that crash at first, the video, would say, 'Well gee, how could anybody survive this?'" Curtis said.

"That was kind of a classic. A bunch of people survived that," Eakin said. "It looked terrible, and still so many people walked away from that. And there was no real pattern to where the survivors were located."

Availability of an escape route may be the biggest determining factor, Eakin said.

"If the impact is survivable, that's the next challenge: getting the heck out of the thing," he said. "I think in Sioux City, a lot of the survivors exited through cracks in the fuselage. That's kind of the ultimate escape route, but you gotta do whatever you gotta do to get out."

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Child found alive after Indian Ocean crash
'79 crash survivor remembers thuds
He noted the January 15 ditching of a US Airways Airbus A320 in New York's Hudson River, in which no one was killed and injuries were minimal, although the craft quickly filled with cold water.

"That really demonstrated how important it is to get out quickly," Eakin said.

Proximity of rescue equipment and personnel is key to survival too, Curtis said. If fires can be extinguished and survivors taken to hospitals quickly, victims have a better chance of surviving, he said.

Despite his statistical evidence that the rear of the plane is safer, writer Noland doesn't seek out a back seat when he flies.

"I try to get a window seat," he said. "Planes are so safe, it's unbelievable how safe they are. The odds of a crash are so minuscule that I don't even worry about it."

Monday 29 June 2009


Custom Search

Saturday 27 June 2009


When you fly across the sky, try and admire the beautiful scene that the clouds present to you and know how mighty God's creative hand and mind could be. He is God and not man.

FLYING WITH PLEASURE: Babatunde Ezekiel Ajibola

My interest in aviation went back to my early years when I used to see aeroplane flying across the sky. I used to wonder what made that fit possible. Though by the time the opportunity for me to view it come my way then, it was always thousands of feet up there in the sky and it appeared so tiny. I never actually know how big they were until I visited an airport. I remember my dad sharing his own experience with me how one sunday as they worshipped in the church in which he was in the choir in Kano city, Nigeria, for the first time an aeroplane landed in that city for the first time and the grace hardly been said to end the service he joined others in a marathon to reach the aerodrome to see the mysterious device that could fly in the sky like a bird. That was in 1925 which was twenty three years after the Wright brothers made the first test flight. Few years later he was also privileged to witness the landing of an aeroplane landing in Lagos for the first time. He was also in the church robed in the choir and in the same manner joined others in a marathon to reach the aerodrome in Apapa Lagos to see this mysterious machine that fly in the sky. No wonder he believed flying in the sky is tempting God.
I did not agree with him then but I dare not say so.
Today I have had the opportunity to fly several times and I THINK I ENJOY FLYING.
Though you can not but think about other possibilities when you are airborne but I think it is always best to relax and trust in God for journey mercy. I always benefit from this. Come fly with me in this manner.