Wednesday 1 July 2009

LETS PLAY SAFE: by B.E. Ajibola

I have always believe that salvation belong to God and His blessing is upon His people. However there are certain things in creation which we can not explain. The reason why a fourten year old girl was the only surviving passenger in the Yemen plane crash on the 23rd of June may remain a mystery for life. However, I always believe that the technology that brought about the building of an aeroplane has come a long way that if planes are constantly and effectively managed, there should not be much of air disaster as we witness in the aviation industry. There is the technical factor and there is also the human factor. Planes need be thoroughly servised and checked before take off and pilots must be well behaved staying away from alcohol and drugs. It is reported that the Yemenian air plane, airbus 330 that crashed into the Indian ocean had been banned in France by the Transport ministry because of irregularities. Such lapses if encouraged in the aviation industry may lead in increase in hazards occurrences. There must be a way whereby planes that have flown for a certain numbers of years and flights are regulated from carrying passengers. They can be converted into cargo planes.

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